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義遊2025 國際工作營

義遊【2025 國際工作營】現已推出!若你希望瀏覽義遊在世界各地的工作營項目,你可透過以下 E-vet 搜尋引擎連結搜索合適項目,然後在義遊的報名頁面進行申請。



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備注:工作營編號可於E-vet系統"Sustainable Development Goals" 的彩色方格上方找到;而參加者需要在第一天向當地額外支付的「Extra Fee」金額亦會在E-vet 頁面中說明​


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•    此網頁的報名費主要用於義遊提供的營前支援(包括營前預備日、本地義工體驗、活動前後專人支援)、義遊工作營選手包、營後參與證書、以及「義遊人社群」參與資格。

•    而部分金額亦會用於支持義遊與各地工作營伙伴機構的聯繫、定期與當地機構回顧工作營安排及成效,以及支持義遊作為慈善機構的各項社區項目、基層及青年計劃、和推動「世界公民理念」的工作。(注意:不同國家/地區出發的參加者所需的申請費用,或會因各地機構安排而有所不同。)

​•    注意部分工作營會列明所需的「Extra Fee/ Camp Fee」,有關金額並不包括在義遊的報名費用中,而是由參加者在工作營第一天向當地支付。營費通常是用於支付所屬國家舉辦工作營時向參加者提供住宿及膳食的費用,以及支援當地項目在社區中的運作。在許多情況下,這些額外的費用是它們主要獲取財政支持的方式,特別是在發展中或未發展國家的組織。​​



1. 若你希望報名參與超過一個月的「長期工作營」,可在搜尋器的「Length of stay」中選擇 (30 -89 Days),注意此類型的項目需要至少參與一個月

2. 在報名「長期工作營」時,請在填寫「工作營編號」的空格中寫上你希望參與的開始/結束日期 (當地機構會按照項目運作安排,稍後與你確認實際的開始結束日期)

3. 部份地方會因為Breifing/項目運作等安排,而對「長期工作營」參加者設立指定的開始日期,我們會於收列你的報名後,再與你確認實際開始及結束日子


•    在進入E-vet 頁面後,你可透過「Search Again」按鈕,篩選適合你的工作營地區/主題/日期,了解你可考慮的選項。

•    義遊會在收到你的報名後與當地機構確認名額。因當地機構需時確認名額及為工作營提前準備,工作營的報名截止日期為工作營開始前四個星期,若工作營少於四個星期內開始,請勿提交報名。建議你於確認名額後才購買機票 / 請假 (一般認程序大約為 7-10個工作天)。  

•    若符合資格的話,你可以同時享有表格中的各種費用減免。正在報名時選擇你希望申請的減免,系統會為你計算所需要的費用​

•    義遊會在收到你的報名後向你收集有關學生資助、銀齡資助及世界公民獎學金有關的證明文件,未能出示有關證明文件的申請人需要補回差價 / 未能繼續有關申請

•    全球 / 本地行動獎學金的申請及審批會於完成工作營申請後進行,而有關金額會在參加者完成工作營及相關任務後,以退款方式發放回 

•    E-vet 為國際工作營機構之間的共用平台,有關資訊由當地工作營機構提供。如對個別工作營有查詢,歡迎與我們聯絡。

# 1

在工作營開始前至少四星期:填寫正確資料及優惠碼 (如適用)、繳交款項,及完成系統顯示的「最後一步」資料表格。

# 2

義遊會與當地機構確認名額。請於當地確認名額後:才購買機票  (確認程序大約為 7-10個工作天)。

# 3


# 4


國際工作營 - 報名四步曲

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國際工作營 - 常見時間安排參考


在指定時間於集合地點(Meeting Point) 與其他人參加者及Camp Leader集合 (集合地點一般會為市中心/ 車站/ 機場 / 或容易前往的地標)。



與當地Camp Leader一同按當地情況及日程,進行不同的服務項目、社區體驗、文化交流活動


大部分工作營期間會設有適當時間的Free Time,讓你可與其他參加者商討及自費遊覽想參與的Excursion/ 地點。


工作營一般會於午飯時間左右解散,當地Camp Leader會按情況建議/安排參加者返回者返回市中心/集合地點。



* 備注:以上時間安排為大部分國際工作營的普遍安排,部分工作營會因應當地情況而設有特別安排。

當地機構會於工作營開始前大約一個月,為參加者提供一份 Info Sheet,說明有關集合及工作營期間的安排。

Past participants share

"There are so many tasks that want us to break through ourselves and get out of our comfort zone. If I hadn't participated in this event, I never thought that I would go to watch the sunrise, go to the street and ask foreigners to pretend to be chickens. These experiences are considered passable. I will remember it for a long time!

I feel that this program is very different from other programs. It does not focus on serving some disadvantaged groups, but understands them from different angles and understands them with empathy. Those who are capable are Help as much as possible, even if you have no ability, you can use your own power to awaken the consciousness of others.

In the end, of course, I met a lot of like-minded friends. I never thought that I would find friends who live in the same district and have the same life as the same month. I also never thought that everyone can help and support each other even if they know each other for a long time. This true friendship will always be remembered in my heart. "


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「團友互相照顧、體諒,當地既人都好照顧大家 !」

「我覺得super nice,camp leader的安排也不錯」



「啲人好nice ,可以用休閒嘅步伐了解當地社區」

*  備注:上述感想取自參與不同國家工作營的參加者感受,僅供作為整體國際工作營體驗的參考。

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了解更多 - 過往香港參加者


Terms and Conditions

  1. Participants must participate in at least one online session and complete a final team project to be eligible for program certificates and awards.

  2. If a participant is found to have falsely reported personal information, Yiyou reserves the right to cancel his or her participation and award qualifications.

  3. Those who get the designated ranking in the first stage can enter the second stage, and the final score will only be determined based on the scores of the second stage.

  4. In the second stage of the plan, participants need to form a group of 3-5 people to complete the team task. After the team is formed, it is not allowed to change the team members by itself. The second stage is a team task. The five groups with the highest scores, all team members will be awarded the Volunteer Tour "All-round Exchange Voucher"* (valued at HK$7,500).

  5. Participants must be between the ages of 18 and 29 in order to receive the "All-round Redemption Voucher" for the volunteer tour.

  6. The volunteer tour will take photos and videos during the event for record and future promotion of the volunteer tour. If you don't want to be on camera, the contestants need to ask the staff on their own.

  7. If you sign up to participate in this plan, you agree that Yiyou will use your personal information (including but not limited to your name, phone number, email address, address, institution/company/school, etc.) submitted by you through different forms (including electronic forms), As a volunteer tour, we will communicate with you and provide volunteer tour information, process registration, issue receipts, research/statistics, fundraising, collect opinions, event invitations, promotions, direct marketing, and any project matters related to volunteer tours. It also means that Yiyou will transfer your information to a third-party organization that provides services for this plan.

  8. Volunteer Tours reserves the right to change the above terms and conditions. In case of any disputes, Volunteer Tours reserves the right of final decision.

    *The Volunteer Tour "All-round Redemption Voucher" will include the volunteer tour work camp registration fee and the camp fee collected by the local work camp organization. Participants need to bear the expenses other than the volunteer tour registration fee and camp fee, including air tickets, travel insurance and other expenses. Additional costs caused by local quarantine regulations. For more details, please refer to the International Work Camp project information on the volunteer website.

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