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"Continuing Professional Development Program for Tour Guides" recognized by the Tourism Administration - International Religious Study Course (Activity Code: TGC114VOLT)
"Continuing Professional Development Program for Tour Guides" recognized by the Tourism Administration - International Religious Study Course (Activity Code: TGC114VOLT)

"Continuing Professional Development Program for Tour Guides" recognized by the Tourism Administration - International Religious Study Course (Activity Code: TGC114VOLT)

This course is an accredited Continuing Professional Development activity for Tour Guides (Option C - Optional Development Activity)! Immediately understand the culture and taboos of different religious beliefs, explore the history of multi-religion in Hong Kong, and learn to provide high-quality services to tourists!

Time & Location

13 May 2023, 10:00 – 18:00

(See other hours below) Sikh Temples, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Baha'i Centers, and more, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong


course purpose

  • Understand the culture and taboos of different religious beliefs, master the etiquette for receiving guests from different cultures/religious beliefs, and ensure professional services to international passengers 
  • Learn about the history of Hong Kong, how multiple religions were introduced into Hong Kong and influenced the development of Hong Kong, so that tourists can have a deeper understanding of Hong Kong
  • In-depth understanding of different religious beliefs, visiting churches and assembly centers in various districts of Hong Kong, and learning about community services that can be provided to tourists other than worship

course features

  1. sikh temple: The native Sikhs lead the participants into the Wan Chai Sikh Temple to learn about the Sikh belief culture.
  2. Oi Kwan Mosque and Lin Shide Islamic Center: An Islamic teacher introduces Islam and shares the life of Muslims in Hong Kong, as well as their daily worship process.
  3. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: The missionaries take a group of participants on a tour of their church and briefly introduce their history and the Book of Mormon.
  4. Baha'i Center: They believe that all human beings in the world belong to one family, and they believe that people should not be distinguished from each other by external factors such as race and social status.
  5. International Society for Krishna Consciousness: Religious organizations originating from Indian traditional beliefs, learn about their development history in Hong Kong. Enter the Hindu temples, see their altars, and the process of their daily worship.

Price:HK$700 positive

travel time: 8 hours (can be counted as 6 hours of "Continuing Professional Development Program Activities for Tour Guides" course hours)

class size: no more than 30 people

First round deadline: 6/5/2023 (Sat)

First round class date: 13/5/2023 (Sat)

Other opening hours (registration is open one month before the opening of the class):

19/8/2023 (Sat)

14/10/2023 (Sat)

13/01/2024 (Sat)


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辦公時間:星期一至五 11:00 - 19:00 (公眾假期除外)

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