HHSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme
SMART Community Hackathon
Introduction of the Projects
尋鼠技器是一個尋找老鼠巢穴的裝置。通過高頻聲音引誘老鼠靠近裝置,令老鼠沾上用於追蹤老鼠痕跡的螢光液體(湯力水),再透過痕跡找到鼠群巢穴。透過知道鼠群巢穴,滅鼠人員能有效將鼠群一網打盡及清理,更能預防鼠群再生。另外,偵測到老鼠時,裝置會 統計老鼠數量並上傳給局方,以便知道各區的鼠患情況及做出相應的對 策和措施。
1. 防鼠方法太低效率。由於目前的滅鼠及統計方法,大多是以傳統方法為主,這些方法均需動用大量人力物力。加上只能短期減少老鼠出沒,而老鼠繁殖迅速,數目只會逐漸上升,並非從根源下手。
2. 防鼠方法太高成本。以傳統方法防鼠所動用的人力資源十分高昂,老鼠籠需要清洗重用,以一次性用品如老鼠膠、鼠餌的價格不便宜。新式防鼠方法更要使用二千至三千港元。令處理防治老鼠預算開支 7.51 億元創 5 年新高。
3. 滅鼠方法傷害環境。若老鼠死於老鼠籠及老鼠膠又久久不清理更會滋生大量細菌。另外,殘忍的老鼠膠會誤捕各种路徑的其他野生動物造成傷亡。
Introduction Video:
Competition background
This Hackathon is a part of the HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme. This year, the Hackathon aims to encourage local secondary school students to support innovative district-based community initiatives, helping disadvantaged communities build resilience and become future-ready.
The programme also promotes green thinking and sustainable practices while fostering community growth, enhancing social inclusion, and building a sustainable and resource-efficient future. Additionally, Gerontech and cross-generational inclusion initiatives are welcome.
(Details of the "HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme: Press Here)
Join us to co-create a better society!
If you have any other questions about the programme, feel free to contact us via programme@voltra.org / 2683 5900 (Ms. Ho).