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Want your students to understand the "Sustainable Development Goals" of environmental protection, put them into action, use creativity to transform daily "food waste" into "treasures", and even change their living habits to reduce waste from the source? Hurry up and gather a group of students who are full of creativity, enthusiasm for the environment and action, through innovative training experience and interesting task challenges, together to make positive changes for the food waste problem and environmental protection!



✨ 名額有限,立即填妥表格報名啦! 


In this program, your students can:


Run out of the classroom, use the brand-new mobile learning program, and challenge tasks with your classmates, use photos and texts to share results, and learn from and improve each other
Students who have completed the entire program and performed outstandingly,Can get "Waste Out Leader" certification certificate, and Ways Out online store redemption voucher

✨ 名額有限,立即填妥上方表格報名啦! 


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辦公時間:星期一至五 11:00 - 19:00 (公眾假期除外)

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